* Xiao, Peter <pxiao@Liberate.com> [20010109 16:01]:
I am currently looking for crypto implementation that can fit into small footprint (in the order of 50K or less) devices. Ideally, an SSL type of protocol meets my requirements but it is almost impossible to implement it within 50K even with selected cipher suites. So, I am looking for alternatives (either symmetric key or public key based). I was thinking about WTLS but looks like its implementation can not be significantly smaller than that of TLS since it is also based on Public Key cryptography (I am wondering how it fits into a cellphone). Can any one tell me what is the approximate size of the client implementation of WTLS. Also, would anyone send some pointers to me regarding what I am looking for.
How small of footprint? 50K (presuming you mean in currency) isn't really a measurement of footprint size to me. :) Would something along the lines of a Java iButton <URL:http://www.ibutton.com/> match your requirements? It truly depends on what you need the device to be capable of...and I don't just mean the crypto implementation but is this a device to be self-powered? How do you need to interface with it? Etc. -jr ---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@geekresearch.com/cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us> Geek Research LLC - <URL:http://www.geekresearch.com/> IP Network Engineering and Consulting