-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <Pine.LNX.3.95.971118181728.23634B-100000@westsec.denver.ssds.com>, on 11/18/97 at 06:28 PM, Jim Burnes <jim.burnes@ssds.com> said:
Interesting. I was under the opinion that schooling and "social services" were no more constitutional rights then, say, free food or a pot to piss in.
Well I have done some more research on this. Seems that there is a SC decision in Plyler v Doe 1982 in which the courts have ruled that a child (citizen or not) has the *right* to public education. This comes out of a Texas case not too differnt from Prop 187 in California. The proposition I mentioned in my last post was Prop 187. I seem to be having some difficulty in finding the actual documents regarding this case and subsequent court rulings (opinions on it I can find by the truckload). I'll keep searching but if anyone has a pointer to where this info can be found it would be appreciated. OK I found Plyler v Doe at: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=457&invol=202 I haven't had a chance to read through it yet. It seems that this case is one of the main attacks against Prop 187 which AFAIK is still in the courts. Here is a ruling of the 9th district by Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer: Appendix A of this ruling has the text of Prop 187. I still have not been able to find out where this thing is in the court system. - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBNHJpRI9Co1n+aLhhAQEnKAQAwxxik4Ear4xUU68Cy4dziUuf6nFxc8u3 ldSjC62r5okgDWMmfvOyBjp6bTv1Svencxqw+tMUpI6Eek/C1ibcWJP14wmiDEs6 1+Bvw7aS27umtEz6ZDqCMA+YS677uWEXQUjBARbu+pW0MQePe65VfpZbErv2G9IM IfXEjyRaZQI= =KM6s -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----