women who have these hormonal issues typically carry alot of weight around the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high protein and fiber diet combined with low carbs really helps with that an added benefit is that these types of foods are so filling and you avoid the highs and crashes that people with blood sugar problems live by
all the sudden im 30 i thought id be driving a mini van full of kids and happily decorating my own home but life has shown me again that i am not in control and as i wait for more children and a sense of being settled
i bet that block is not nearly as big as i remember it being but i remember it being quite a trip
and as ive been laying in my misery ive been thinking a lot about that penny and just how lonely id be if she wasnt there with me
what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you
acre of land is my favorite song of his
but the commonality between each experience was- it was out of my hands i occasionally fell in love with someone who couldnt be had i occasionally had to run from someone who wouldnt let me go
i spent a few hours organizing my yarn and needles into that armoire
i have been laying in bed sick since monday it seems to be getting worse by the day not better i am so irritated and antsy i miss my family and i want to clean my house
this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer
cate did you love disney games on the computer when you were five
lunch whole wheat pita with tuna or deli meat or a big salad with grilled chicken
ready to share the love
i couldnt find a video of him performing it but listen to the lyrics
and i cheat like alot well usually i ease up on weekends but i feel so crappy and bloated again that i cant wait to start eating right on monday but i have kind of had to tell myself this is just the new lifestyle and if i want to indulge every now and again im going to cause id rather die than not be able to have some chips and guac or a slice of cake every now and again so if i eat like this 90% of the time then ive noticed that my body or the scale doesnt mind if i wander in my choices a bit the other 10% exercising everyday helps with this too i feel like its a great trade off- feeling great and a regular period for a little self control
different boyfriends came and went through all this some i thought i could marry some i was mad at myself for hanging around some that broke my heart
i know some people dont love the whole valentines thing but it is so fun to me i dont care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty treated with sweetness have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book
dinner i kind of snack or have a lunch type meal again dinner is tricky because i still need to prepare dinner for my family so i do but im not super hungry at night so i just eat whatever broccoli a little of what theyre having or snacky stuff or chicken wings or crispy thin crust pizza but i always end the day with a low carb ice cream bar
me 1982
remember when the weather was warm and we would go to the park when daddy got home from work and we would bring homemade bread and fruit to eat for dinner and we would be drenched in golden light and the cousins would come meet us for some wild rides down the slide