Your Membership Community & Commentary
  It's All About Making Money July 6, 2001  

in this issue

Internet Success Through Simplicity

Member Showcase

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--- This Issue Contains Sites Who Will Trade Links With You! ---

  • Internet Success Through Simplicity
    Every day of the week, I get questions from people all
    over the world, including my No BS GIMG Members,
    wanting to know some of the most valuable "secrets"
    to my on-going internet success.

    Let me say, above all else, I don't believe there are any
    *true* "secrets" to success on the Net. What you do to
    become successful in the online world is not a "secret",
    in my opinion. Most successful people follow simple, clear,
    repeatedly-proven strategies to succeed, whether on the
    Net or off.

    But, when it comes to someone asking for advice,
    consultation, or simply asking, "What's your secret?",
    I have to blush & say ...

    Persistence and personality.

    Of course, I always follow the advice with my own little
    disclaimer: What makes ME successful may not work the
    same for YOU ... & your first lesson is to get over
    the deep-seeded idea that success - of any kind, in
    my opinion - is somehow an unknown, unattainable secret.

    Clearly, it is not. It's not unknown. It's not unattainable.
    It's not years of digging to find the "secrets" to internet riches.

    One thing that "gets to me" so often in my work as an
    Internet Consultant, author and Internet Success
    Strategist is that so many people on the Net seem to
    have this incredibly huge mental block that stands
    between themselves and success on the Net. It's
    almost as if they've been barraged by so many claims
    of what works and what doesn't work, and so many
    LONG, complicated routes to actually succeeding in
    their online venture, that "success" is the
    equivelant of a 100-foot high brick wall.

    It's NOT that difficult, my friends! It is NOT that complicated!!

    Long-time friend and business associate Rick Beneteau
    has a new eBook out called Branding YOU & Breaking
    the Bank. Get it!! .
    But, the reason I mention this is the fact that he talks
    so dynamically about the true simplicity of making your
    online venture a success.

    And, yes, Rick & I come from the same school of
    "self marketing" - marketing YOU! Obviously, that's
    the core of his excellent new ebook, and I couldn't
    agree with him more.

    Point being, *you* ARE everything you do online to
    succeed. You ARE your web site, your business, your
    marketing piece, your customer service, your customers'
    experiences with your business -- ALL of it, is YOU!
    Read his ebook & you'll see more of what I'm saying.

    The matter at hand is that brick wall you might have
    standing high as you can see, blocking the path
    between you & internet success. Listen to me - it is
    not real OK? It doesn't exist. There's nothing there
    to fear to begin with ... get over it!!

    What I'm telling you is, the only thing standing between
    you and the success you most desire ... is yourself.
    When you realize this, you will tear down that brick
    wall by means of complete and instantaneous
    disintegration. It will no longer exist *in your mind*,
    which is the only "real" place it ever was anyhow!

    Yes, "persistence and personality" inherently includes
    honesty, integrity, accountability, and many other
    qualities but you also have to hone in on your ultimate
    goals and realize that probably the most valuable,
    powerful key to your success ... is YOU!

    That may be the most incredible "secret" we ever
    uncover in our lifetime! And, trust me, that brick wall
    won't ever get in your way again ... unless you let it.

    Talk about SIMPLE!!

    Bryan is a "veteran" Internet Consultant, Author,
    Internet Success Strategist & Marketer. He publishes Chronicles to over 11,500 subscribing
    members, authors articles which appear all over the
    Net, and helps hundreds of wealth-hungry people in
    their journey to Internet success.

    Bryan is also Director of his No BS Guerrilla Internet
    Marketing Group at
    & a fantastic new Joint Venture Partners program
    for that site.

    Bryan Hall is a Founding Member and the Development
    Consultant for the prestigious iCop(TM) at

    You can reach Bryan at 877.230.3267 or by
    emailing him directly at

  • Member Showcase

    Examine carefully - Those with email addresses included WILL
    TRADE LINKS with you... You are encouraged to contact them.
    There Are Many Ways To Build A Successful Business - Just look at
    these successful sites & programs other members are involved in...

    Get INSANE amounts of traffic to your website.
    Purchase 10,000 Guaranteed Visitors to your site
    and receive 5,000 free. MORE TRAFFIC = MORE MONEY!
    Less than 2cents a visitor.  Space is limited.
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    Trade Links -

    Stop Smoking - Free Lesson !!
    Discover the Secret to Stopping Smoking.
    To Master these Powerful Techniques, Come to for your Free Lesson.
    Act Now!  P.S. Tell someone you care about.
    Trade Links -

    Celebration Sale!
    $99.00 on Casinos/Sportsbetting sites, Lingerie stores,
    Gift Stores, Adult Sites & Toy Stores.
    Mention Ad#BMLM99 to receive this special sale price.
    Order Now!

    Affiliates of the World!
    Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business opportunities,
    great marketing resources and free advertising for you!
    Visit the site to trade links.
    Trade Links -

    Internet Marketing guru Corey Rudl has just released a
    BRAND NEW VERSION of his #1 best-selling Internet Marketing
    Course,"The Insider Secret's to Marketing Your Business on
    the Internet". A MUST HAVE! So don't hesitate,

    We have a 260 page catalog with over 3000 gift items for men,
    women, children - A gift for everyone. We show 100 gift items
    on our web site alone, with the catalog  you have access to
    the rest. We also feel we have the best prices on the web.
    Visit at
    Trade Links -

    If you have a product, service, opportunity or quality merchandise
    that appeals to people worldwide, reach your targeted audience!
    For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you can exhibit
    your website here, and trade links for only $8 CPM.  Compare that
    to the industry average of $10-$15 CPM. Why?... Because as a
    valuable member we want you to be successful! Order today -
    Showcases are limited and published on a first come, first serve basis.
    For our secure order form, click here:

  • Win A FREE Ad In Community & Commentary

    To keep this interesting, how about this, every month we'll
    draw a name from the replies and that person will win one
    Sponsorship Showcase ad in the Community & Commentary, for FREE.
    That's a value of over $700.00! Respond to each weekly survey,
    and increase your chances to win with four separate entries.

               QUESTION OF THE WEEK (07/06/01)...
         No right or wrong answers, and just by answering
         you are entered to win a Showcase ad - Free!

         ~~~ Do you spend more or less time ~~~
          ~~~ online in the summer months? ~~~


    To make this as easy as possible for you, just click on the
    e-mail address that matches your answer - you do not need to
    enter any information in the subject or body of the message.

    ** ADD YOUR COMMENTS!  Follow directions above and
    add your comments in the body of the message, and we'll
    post the best commentaries along with the responses.

    You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
    Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please
    respond only one time per question.  Multiple responses
    from the same individual will be discarded.

    Last Weeks's Results (06/29/01)

         ~~~ What is the goal of your website? ~~~

         Sell        40%
         Get Leads        20%
         Build Branding      5%
         Provide Information  20%
         Other         15%

    Our web site is initially designed to get leads, build branding, and provide information.......with a 12 month goal of selling our service more specifically via a shopping cart. We offer a service and at this time take deposits and payments via our site. Our site has been up less than 2 months and our expectation was that we would refer to our site for leads developed in traditional media and by referral for more information, and to make a professional impression on someone you may not meet before providing service. The growth of our customer base shopping on line has grown outside of anyone's expectations.......certainly mine and I've been in this business for 25 years. The Internet is not dead in the horse business, it is just getting it's legs, and the folks using it want to get all the ancillary services on-line as well. Our site (the first we've developed) has exceeded our expectations, and we aren't satisfied with it yet.......we just wanted to get it there for information!
    Jeff and Rebecca Marks

    Branding. While quality customer service and product have been and will always be our top priority brand building Zesto is our most challenging task. ranks very high and most often #1 or 2 on all major search engines and directories even Yahoo entering the keyword zesto. The problem is simply that,who if anyone would type the keyword zesto, therefore we must try to build our brand by ensuring that generic keywords associated with our products (citrus peel) are used throughout our site as well as search engine submissions.
    Fortunately owning a non generic domain short, easy to remember and trademarked works in our favor because the marketability potential is limitless.
    Arlene Turner

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    Please send suggestions and comments to: Editor
    I invite you to send your real successes and showcase your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, "Working Together We Can All Prosper." Submit

    For information on how to sponsor Your Membership Community & Commentary visit: Sponsorship Showcase

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