On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Normen Nomesco wrote:
At gun ranges across the country, where just about everybody is armed, physical violence is virtually nonexistent. Ever wonder why this is the case? After thinking about it for a while, even the slower ones amongst us might be able to figure out the cause.
Gun ranges are places were reasonable people go in a normal state of mind a gun range is not the real world
the real world does not have a weapons master on site and you are not given ear plugs and the chance to reload
No shit Sherlock, when did that dawn upon you? But hey, guess what? When you go to driving school, you have nice stickers on the car that say "Student Driver" and you have an instructor (car master?) who has a second brake incase you fuck up so you can learn. But once you leave the driving school and have your license, you're in the real world. You don't have the student driver stickers, nor the "car master" next to you. In an airplane with 3-4 terrorists, you'd presumably be one passenger of 120. If even 5% of the passengers had guns, none would have to reload. I highly doubt that they would need a weapons master to tell them how to hold a gun. I certainly think that most people would be glad they were alive and unhurt thanks to said gun carriers, and would mind the ringing in their ears far less than being dead. And certainly assuming most guns have at least 6 shots, multiplied by 6 people (that's 5% of 120 people) would give you 36 shots to put 4 assholes out of everyone's misery, I don't think you have to worry about reloading. You have very little to add to this conversation Mr. Anti Gun.