with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too
if you eat like this people will give you crap because its so not trendy anymore but if it will help a woman who would do anything to ovulate and conceive do that (and i know personally quite a few that this was the key for) then who cares what anyone says and jennifer aniston doesnt eat carbs so there
she didnt want to print off her name- signing was a must
secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine
ok its hard to stop i love every song
where are neighborhoods like that anymore with bushes big enough to hide in and kids that go around the block together all afternoon and normal sized houses and the old winkfields next door ok i dont need the winkfields but id sure love to give my kids the rest
again happy things
messes are piling up around me making it hard to relax and get well i cant cuddle grant or cate- they need to stay well- so they are steering clear of me i am bored and tired and achy
cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print
my problem dear anne is that it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the trouble of making up stories about lost broaches to be able to go to a silly church picnic in my mind the little girls are wearing spring dresses and holding parasols with their gloved hands while the boys are eating biscuits and drinking homemade rootbeer with their hats and suspenders on but i live in a dreamland where i want everything stylized i know you understand me anne
snacks NUTS i would die without nuts i love roasted almonds cashews peanuts i also love those roasted edamame they taste like nuts even though theyre not and nuts taste really good with a few slices of swiss cheese also deli meat slices celery with peanut butter on it a few whole grain crackers with cheese beef jerky sugar free snack packs stuffed mushrooms hard boiled eggs string cheese protein bars crudites and more NUTS
seriously though my closest friends are fun real and honest good entertaining in love with life a little crazy down to earth deep and incapable of bs
i am determined
he is the perfect mix to me of blues and folk and funk and feeling
do you have to be obsessed with yarn and needles and hooks like i am to think that is the most inviting little space youve ever seen
off to the kindergarten valentines day party
but the commonality between each experience was- it was out of my hands i occasionally fell in love with someone who couldnt be had i occasionally had to run from someone who wouldnt let me go
even more obsessed with flickr than usual of late
more earrings get yours here
it was the first time i realized that things dont always go how you think they will and that it all can turn out better than you imagined