Date: Mon, 1 Mar 93 10:45:32 PST From: memexis!tribble@uunet.UU.NET (E. Dean Tribble)
I would like to separate the issues of hollering anything at 4am in residential areas from things like libel and slander. Disturbing people with your volume independent of its content is like blasting white noise at damaging volume levels. The remedies for it have nothing to do with speech, they have to do with disturbing the peace; your sound is crossing onto my property at intolerable levels.
And again, I repeat..... with anonymous remailers, you no longer have a way to enforce said grounds of disturbing the peace ---- unless you do things like approach the finnish authorities and ask that penet be disconnected from the network for disturbing the peace of various Usenet groups.....
- Ted
Don't most news readers have "kill files" (sometimes known as "bozo filters")? I definately prefer decentralized solutions. Anyone mandating what I can and cannot read is slime (synonomous with censor), imo. I want to make that choice myself, thank you very nice. Fen