Greetings, It is with strict confidence and trust that I wish to contact you seeking for your assistance to help as regards an investment opportunity. I sincerely hope that this letter will not come as a surprise to you, or cause you any embarrassment since we neither knew each other before, nor have had any previous contact or correspondence. I would appreciate your benevolence in giving this matter the much-needed attention as I am presently in a difficult situation and need your assistance and guidance urgently. I am Mrs. Ndaye Banya, wife of Maj. Timothy Banya, the former commander and head of the Secret Unit in charge of Diamond dealing for the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) of Sierra- Leone. My husband was formerly working directly with the former Rebel Leader Mr. Foday Sankoh who is presently in government custody. The government intends trying Mr. Sankoh for illegal diamond dealing and especially for the killing of 21 people during a public demonstration outside his home in May last year which subsequently lead to this arrest. As the situation is, my husband is very much likely to be prosecuted alongside for activities in the diamond mining. The RUF is now headed by Gen. Issa Sessey who is determined in bringing peace to Sierra Leone, he signed a cease-fire agreement with the government on Friday 10th Nov., 2000 and instructed that peace must returned to our fatherland after nine-years conflict, pledging to allow U.N. troops unhindered access throughout Sierra-Leone. My fear is that the government will try Mr. Sankoh and that my husband may also be prosecuted alongside and our assets may be confiscated. Also all accounts abroad and locally traceable to our name and families may also be frozen given the circumstances. In view of this development, I am trapped with about US$20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million United States Dollars) that is in cash in boxed containers. As the situation is I do not have the know-how to move this money without any trace to our name. The boxed containers were sealed, and packaged by Tim before moving over to the north such that in the event of any rebel insurgence, they can be easily buried in the ground without the material used in the packaging getting damaged due to its resistance to heat, rust and tear. My situation is very desperate, as I cannot leave Sierra Leone because of the house arrest I am under. In the light of above, I am soliciting your assistance and partnership to move this money out of Sierra Leone as both of us can make a fortune. I would require your assistance in terms of logistics and materials to enhance the safe movement of the items from Sierra Leone. Therefore, contact me immediately, if you are able and interested in assisting me. Kindly contact me preferably using my alternative email address at, as soon as possible. Thanks for your anticipated understanding and assistance. Yours faithfully, MRS. N. BANYA Email: