On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 09:14:13AM -0400, mikecabot@fastcircle.com wrote:
To get back to the RIAA point, though:
What you're looking at are HTTP headers (what you'd see if you Telnet'ed to port 80 on Safeweb's web servers). Again, this won't get you any closer to identifying the path that someone took to get to Safeweb, and therefore, you cannot identify a target via this type of information.
(The more interesting point would be: can Safeweb do so? The answer is "you bet." The only thing they would have to do is classic log/connection-time synchronization analysis, and that would tell them the connection details of the user in question. But this can only be done by Safeweb or someone with access to Safeweb logs.)
A carnivore box at Safewb would work also for tying browsing habits to users. Think Safeweb with their CIA ties would balk at installing one? Do they already have one installed? Adam