On 5/19/06, Justin <justin-cypherpunks@soze.net> wrote:
On 2006-05-19T14:37:55-0700, coderman wrote:
i trust individuals, not corporations or governments.
Big mistake. Individuals are corrupt, too. Even people with good morals often do bad things by mistake or through carelessness.
true. depending on the context i would need to trust not only the personal integrity/morals of the person but also technical capability and responsibility (so that careless mistakes would not be made). the key is the direct individual relationship that can provide trust, rather than an amorphous and distant relationship with a large opaque organization. quorums are an interesting group organization that can be trusted perhaps, and allow more collaboration / social exchange than direct individual interactions yet avoid the diffusion of responsibility and lack of accountability present in larger organizational structures. that's a longer discussion and i'm not sure i could do a good job explaining my thoughts on it yet... reputation and trust, my favorite crux :) [and i thought the technical aspects were difficult! heh]