-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <v03102806b0bdff5466dc@[]>, on 12/17/97 at 05:26 PM, Steve Schear <schear@lvdi.net> said:
On 17 Dec 1997 02:21:48 -0600, in local.cypherpunks you wrote: Yes, but if you just phase it in over time, what benefit, if any, will users see until hashcash is fully deployed. Until that time, people will still have to accept email without hashcash or risk losing important messages.
If I want to send an important message to you and I get a hashcash rejection reponse and I'm given a Web site where I can get a Java applet to create the hashcash, I'll do it. We all know we must affix postage to our snailmail. Its time to embrace the postal system's paradigm and educate the reminder of the Net. Those who risk missing an email or two will totally stop their SPAM. Those who won't, won't.
I don't see people adopting hashcash unless there is some intermediate benefit to doing so.
All we need is a small, influential, group to sing the praises of hashcash. I'm sure Declan and Wired will pick up the banner if what we come up with works. After that IETF activity is a far gone conclusion.
Well IMNSHO hashcahs mail sucks!! It opens up the pandora's box of usage based charges for everything done on the 'net. What will be next? FTP sites charging hashcash for DL's? WebPages charging hashcash per hit? DNS servers charging per lookup? Routers charging per packet? Note: In Adams proposal for hashcash only charges the user CPU cycles. The incentive for wide implementation of hashcash is going to be a real ecash based system where the implementors can make $$$ off it. All this talk of "educating" the user is scary. After the newspeak translation: "Lets condition the sheeple to accept a metered rate Internet even though they don't want it". Hashcash is an evil worse than a 1000 Spamfords. I will not support Hashcash now or in the future and will do my best to stop its spread. As a matter of fact I plan on writtin Declan on this personaly. I also plan to form a coalition to block any adoption of hashcash within the IETF. Hmmmmm sounds like a good BOF for LA :) This crap will do nothing but place an unnecessary burdon on users while doing *nothing* to stop SPAM. I have *PAID IN FULL* for my Inet usage!! What bits I send over the Inet, how many bits I send, and who I send them to is NO ONE's BUSINESS but my own!!! -- Last Anarchist of the Inet. - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a-sha1 Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBNJmTx49Co1n+aLhhAQLc6QP/YDyeSPwmqhKaLTyBiU236/2hlKCMRmaW tRuPhIGE76aO4JQqRIxSvVeSJsH3qvm7VW6OPn93gHQqji0OOcAbniZyYJuLJFx/ EHeuj2+FiFjVaHZNu2HhPS5x22AmeMNb0a8OtZFZVHYCobHTYpYvxzJVWCll7sCu mm3jGp16eZQ= =XLxl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----