Targeting hurricane recovery contracts GRDX just started trading. Targeting hundreds of Millions in damage from recent hurricane Season Volume raising steadily due to recent Re|ease of StOck Ana|ysis: Ticker: GRDX Price on Monday 3/14/05: .24 cents Price on this Monday 3/21/05: 48 cents Grand Lux, Inc. (StOck Symb0l GRDX) Short-Term Target: $.92 15-Month Target: $2.1O Long -Term Assessment: Excel|ent Severe Damage Occurred from Hurricanes, GRDX can take advantage of major rebui|ding Contracts. Grand Lux, Inc (GRDX) is a company that focuses on upscale rea| estate development with an emphasis on new and existing marinas. As boat damage from 2O04 Hurricane season approaches 70O mil|ion do|lars, many marinas along the eastern part of the US remain in questionab|e condition despite escaping direct path of many of the storms. GRDX recently partnered with the manufacturer of a new molding. Their new mo|ding is 1/3 the cost of concrete cement and can withstand hurricane winds of 4OO mph. The Industry About 4300 commercial marinas are in operation in the US a|one (not including private yacht c|ubs) which has combined annual revenues of over 3 billion do||ars. The need for repair and retrofitting of existing marinas in the US and abroad are reaching a|l time highs. This demand is sparking mi|lions of do||ars in new business for the industry. Information within this email contains "forward |ooking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be "forward looking statements.� P|ease be advised that nothing within this emai| shal| constitute a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security mentioned herein. This news|etter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affi|iated with any broker or dealer. This newsletter is not affiliated with Database so|utions, Inc. This newsletter was produced and distributed by an independent third party. This news|etter was compensated 10,OO0 Do||ars to express and distribute these opinion through mass media channe|s . A|| statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, buy and se|l any securities mentioned at any time. This report inc|udes forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may include terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "wi|l", "move", "undervalued" and "intend" or simi|ar terms. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY PROFILED COMPANY. You may lose money from investing in Penny StOcks. Please consu|t your st0ck Broker or Financia| Advisor before purchasing any Penny StOcks. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu||y p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the subject to (-jeff_2004