---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------------- Date: 02/09 10:25 PM Received: 02/09 10:29 PM From: James A Chappelow, chappja@mail.auburn.edu Reply-To: Vermont Libertarian, vtlp-list@catamount.com To: Multiple recipients of, vtlp-list@catamount.com Outside of Birmingham, a kid was arrested Saturday for not giving a cop his Social Security number. The bumper fell off his truck, so he stuck the tag in the rear window; not a rare sight in Alabama. He got pulled over for it. Alabama licenses have the holder's SSN on them (because that way the state gets more Federal highway $), except his parents had never applied to get him one, because of their religion. When the cop demanded his SSN ("Deine Papieren!"), and he didn't tell him one, he was arrested for disorderly conduct. He's still in jail because in order to bail him out his parents had to supply their (guess what) SSNs. Clinton recently declared his intention to use his supposed budget surplus to save Social Security. In order to maintain Social Security payments, it is estimated that combined Federal taxes will have to rise to 84% of national income! Social Security is doomed as a retiremant option; there is no reason for any able bodied citizen born after 1950 to ever expect to see any benefits from it. So why should any of those people have SSNs? Because securing retirement is not the real goal of Social Security. However, it is still quite valuable as a means for tracking and controlling people, and it looks like voluntary compliance is now being strictly enforced. That's why Clinton wants to save Social Security. James A. Chappelow --------------------------------------------------- This message is from the VTLP-list (Vermont Libertarian) mailing list. To send a message to everyone on this list send email to <vtlp-list@catamount.com>. To unsubscribe from the list send email to <listserv@catamount.com> with "unsubscribe vtlp-list" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the list send email to <listserv@catamount.com> with "subscribe vtlp-list your name" in the body of the message. ----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- Brian B. Riley --> http://members.macconnect.com/~brianbr For PGP Keys <mailto:brianbr@together.net?subject=Get%20PGP%20Key> "Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film."