Steve Furlong wrote:
The recent deployments in airports are of the National Guard. These units are under controls of _governors_ of states, and are not covered by Posse Comitatus. "Calling in the National Guard" has been common for many decades.
Legally, you're right. But since the Guard units are partially trained and equipped with federal money and operate under federal strictures, I don't generally distinguish between state and federal military forces.
Damn, sent that by mistake while editing. I'm also concerned about the effect of "routinely" having uniformed soldiers out standing guard or running patrols or whatever. Even if they're National Guard rather than federal troops, it accustoms the public to seeing soldiers on the streets, on the borders, in the airports, everywhere. That makes the next step, federal troops everywhere, more likely and less noticeable. -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel 617-670-3793 "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato