- why don't you have a public website with forums and other services? :: public networks allow unauthenticated communication and may expose vulnerabilities. we are building a secure* private group networking system. a strong least privilege system only communicates over public networks in an ephemeral and read only manner via self certifying identifiers. (that is, we like to eat our own dogfood) - then what is that site i saw that talked about a janus wireless member? :: individuals within the group may host their own public services. we expect them to confirm that any operating system instance connected to public networks in this manner should be considered less than secure even if they are well protected. - how can i help you? :: get in touch with one of our members. you might try email, off-the-record, out-of-band, or other methods. - do i have to buy VIA padlock hardware to use your software? :: no, but this is the default and the accelerated encryption makes a secure runtime nearly transparent to you as a user. (in other words, we believe it is worth the cost to do so if you can) - can i meet one of your members in person for a strong key exchange and authentication? :: sure, see item #3. --- * secure means strong least privilege vetted by someone you trust. this degree of virtuous interaction is very difficult, complicated and currently believed to be the most secure way to design and maintain a secure system. this is elaborated on in detail in our technical documentation archive.