Wannabe Smart, in a searching for the right caliber of logic, wrote:
Dear Jodi- So occasionally I like to turn these arguments around in my head:
Why bother, when there are so many people already willing to do it for you?
What if I wanted to protect my children from the evils of Christianity? Could I ban that from the internet with the same sort of high horse the anti-porn people seem to be riding?
That's it! The answer is 'Higher Horses'!!!
The other bits in her letter (The bible being thrown out of public schools for example) were just plain lies.
Beware of Christians bearing facts...
It's sad that when most of America has to chose between its essential freedoms and the most trivial of protection from objectionable thought, that we chose to lose the freedoms.
Is that 'regular' choice, 'voluntary-mandatory' choice, or a new type of choice which is currently being developed in secret underground labs by reptilian Nazis? Higher 'Trojan' Horses...yeah!... TruthMonger