In article <16689.9607301944@exe.dcs.exeter.ac.uk> you wrote: : Some time ago on the list there was some discussion of putting : together a CD full of cryptographic software and reference material. : Nothing came of it, but I think several people expressed an interest, : for those of you who were interested, take a look at: : http://www.sevenlocks.com/ [..] : They have a large supply of crypto software available on-line as well. : (No mention of ITAR on their software down load pages (78 Mb of : security related software they claim), and it looks you could download : the lot even if you weren't in the US). ftp.replay.com has 220 Mb of crypto software available for download at no charge .... bEST Regards, -- Alex de Joode | Replay IP Service & Web DZign -- The Netherlands usura@replay.com | http://www.replay.com mailto:info@replay.com