At 7:20 PM -0700 5/14/03, Nomen Nescio wrote:
Zero Knowledge in the Cave
There is a cave with a large entry room. From this room lead two passageways, 1 and 2. Each of 1 and 2 branches into a myriad of smaller passages, twisting and turning through the massive rock formation. The passageways go on for miles and have never been fully explored.
One of the big questions has been whether passageways 1 and 2 ever connect up. Is there a way of getting from 1 to 2? Many have searched, but none have ever succeeded. Most people believe that no connection will ever be found.
This description is remarkably like the description of Jewel Cave (National Monument) when Herb and Jan Conn start exploring in the 1960s. The park wanted them to find a connection between two passages that separated close to the entrance so they could run tour groups that didn't have to pass each other in the narrow passages. In 1969, there were 54 miles of passage mapped, and still no connection. It is now over 127 miles, and still no connection. Cheers - Bill ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Frantz | Due process for all | Periwinkle -- Consulting (408)356-8506 | used to be the | 16345 Englewood Ave. frantz@pwpconsult.com | American way. | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA