Whatever it is or turns out to be it will be carefully and meticulously legal. No crossing the line into criminality or the organizer will have to shop your ass in accord with governmental regulations governing the practice of law sometimes laughingly called the bar. There is a decent-sized legal and financial (they always sleep together) industry of setting up non-profits to advance alluring agendas. All legal and financially accountable as determined by inscrutible taxation laws and those who sell scrutibility by the unlimited hours. The schemes cover the broad spectrum of left, moderate, right, extreme, covert, deceptive, manipulative, hit and run, offshore, out of this world, you want your very own why no problem provide retainer sign here be in touch soon. Head for the tracks to leverage for three lovers want their dues. Anybody with over $500,000 to squander, and they all need to do that or Uncle takes a big bite, is incessantly proffered opportunities to fund a perfect fit for the psychopathology used to attain the wealth and to battle the accompanying terror of losing it to another psycho like the government or the latest bedmate of amazing understanding of the greeder's weakness due to being a world class shit. The Internet has upchucked thousands of these NGO facilitators who spam conferences, mail lists, chat rooms, dinners, panels, and oddball conclaves of wealth managers all seeking to promote goodness to bad guys with a foot in the grave, they are reminded unctuously, would you not like to consider a heritage to whiten your name. One way to fend off these leeches is to ask about their fee, not the pro bono sham, the fees for lecturing, drafting incorporation papers, sitting on boards, doing due diligence (be very afraid of due diligence for that will get you jail time, tell'em Jim Bell), defending and offending in court, publishing how-tos, escrowing bribes and alimony, the usually panoply of self-dealing in guise of public benefit, uh, protecting the client. Another way to fend off these bloodsuckers is to ask for advice on how to engage in criminal "public benefit." Whoa, he says, whoa, whoa, now way. I could be disbarred for that. You say, what would be your fee to cover that risk. Excuse me, she will say, I need to step out for a moment. You hear a dime dropping. Not calling the cops, calling a financial advisor. None of this applies to jail house lawyers or pro se. Anybody heard from Jim Bell? Not a peep heard here in his third go around. Is he being Bradley Manning'd?