---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------------- Date: 12/06 1:10 AM Received: 12/06 11:39 AM From: James A Chappelow, chappja@mail.auburn.edu Reply-To: Vermont Libertarian, vtlp-list@catamount.com To: Multiple recipients of, vtlp-list@catamount.com
From the Liberator Online:
A Medal -- Or A Prison Cell? Larry Gates, a 54-year-old ex-Marine, operates a convenience store in rural Iconium, Missouri. He's also a volunteer fireman. Last Christmas Eve he was listening to a licensed fire department radio when he heard a report that police were chasing two suspected murderers. Police had lost track of the suspects. From his knowledge of the area, Gates was aware that the car would pass directly in front of his store. Gates grabbed a shotgun and sidearm, and along with his three adult sons pulled two vehicles into the intersection, blocking it. Both vehicles had fire emergency lights flashing. A few seconds later the suspects' car approached the roadblock. Gates' son Carey motioned for the car to stop. Instead, the car suddenly accelerated directly at Carey. Gates fired his shotgun once at the car. The car swerved away from his sons, went around the roadblock, and continued down the road. Two of Gates' sons followed the car at a moderate pace. The car was driving erratically. Soon it slowed enough for the passenger, a woman, to leap out. Gates' sons stopped. The woman suspect was slightly wounded from Gates' shotgun. One of Gates's sons, an Emergency Medical Technician, administered first aid. The other son resumed following the car. When he came across the abandoned car, he called police. Shortly the other suspect was arrested. The two suspects, who had been abusing drugs for days, confessed to two homicides. The woman said the driver had planned to commit suicide by crashing the car. Did the Gates family get medals? No. The St. Clair, Missouri prosecutor has charged Larry Gates with "unlawful use of a weapon," a felony offense. He was released from jail on $5,000 bond. If convicted he faces up to five years' imprisonment and the permanent loss of his Second Amendment rights. Gates has turned down offers to plea bargain his charges down to a misdemeanor. He goes to trial December 10. Gun Owners of America has established a legal defense fund for Larry Gates. For info call 703-321-8585. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The courts have found that citizens are not legally entitled to police protection, yet citizens who defend themselves and their communities are routinely prosecuted as if THEY are the criminals. We are forced to pay taxes to support a police force that is not required to defend us and is instead used to punish us for defending ourselves. I don't get it. James A Chappelow "History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." Adolf Hitler --------------------------------------------------- This message is from the VTLP-list (Vermont Libertarian) mailing list. To send a message to everyone on this list send email to <vtlp-list@catamount.com>. To unsubscribe from the list send eamil to <macjordomo@catamount.com> with "unsubscribe vtlp-list" in the body of the message. To subscribe to the list send email to <macjordomo@catamount.com> with "subscribe vtlp-list your name" in the body of the message. ----------------- End Forwarded Message ----------------- Brian B. Riley --> http://members.macconnect.com/~brianbr For PGP Keys <mailto:brianbr@together.net?subject=Get%20PGP%20Key> "Never ask what sort of computer a guy drives. If he's a Mac user, he'll tell you. If not, why embarrass him?" - Tom Clancy