Steve Schear quoting Michael Rubin writes:
Tuesday's U.S.-British air strikes against Iraq once again raise the question of why much of the international community continues to treat Saddam Hussein with kid gloves....
While working as a visiting professor at the University of Sulaymani in Western-defended northern Iraq this past year, I had occasion to witness the growing involvement of Western executives in Iraq. Mohammed Douri, Iraq's U.N. ambassador, recently told a reporter, "Politics is about interests. Politics is not about morals. If the French and others will take a positive position in the Security Council, certainly they will get a benefit."
It's hard to take seriously any American calling for a trial of Saddam Hussein who does not first call for a trial of Henry Kissinger. Kissinger is guilty of a wide variety of serious crimes. Many are suitable for an international tribunal, others are clear cut violations of U.S. law. Kissinger is available, prosecutable, and guilty.