On Wed, Dec 31, 2003 at 10:23:27AM -0500, Michael Kalus wrote:
If mankind would act that way we would have been extinct a long time ago. A single human being is a rather weak individual. There isn't much we could have done. ... Even though I do not agree with people sitting on their asses and not working, I do not think that we should turn our backs to them and ignore them. If society casts out the weakest as a strategie of survival than something here is horribly wrong.
This is trite nonsense that is not really interesting or responsive to Tim's claims. Obviously voluntary trade and other forms of economic cooperation in a large marketplace, the more global the better, is the best way to create wealth. Corporations like Tim's former employer Intel could not exist otherwise. But the emphasis, which you missed, is on the phrase "voluntary." -Declan