Ill show you what ive been working on soon- theyre presents and i have to give them away first have a nice monday
me um we didnt have computers in our homes then
a little note for my valentine
and then that got me thinking that really its not just while laying in bed that she is watching out for me
did anyone else sustain life with saltines from the ages of 13-17
with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too
the deal with pcos and carbs
and then i found myself a mother funny i thought id teach awhile longer and have grant all to myself and save some money
im just obsessed with him
hey my little family
cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print
what an adventure it is
what do you look for in a best friend
but the commonality between each experience was- it was out of my hands i occasionally fell in love with someone who couldnt be had i occasionally had to run from someone who wouldnt let me go
secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine
i will i will i will please hold me accountable if you dont see the results posted next week the inspiration pieces
messes are piling up around me making it hard to relax and get well i cant cuddle grant or cate- they need to stay well- so they are steering clear of me i am bored and tired and achy
1 luce 2 Untitled 3 Working 4 Stove Top
plan to be surprised
feeling so inspired