On Wednesday, January 16, 2002, at 06:20 PM, Nomen Nescio wrote:
German Minister's Interview Rips 911 Case Open Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum Von Buelow: I can state: the planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secretapparatuses of the state and industry.
Utter crap. The attack was simple minded and executed badly. A 25 minuted delay to the time on target for the first plane to hit the WTC would have doubled the loss of life (after 9 AM as opposed to before). A couple of bored psychotic high school students with a smidgen of algebra could have planned this and carried it out in a month or two. This was neither sophisticated, nor complicated. All it was was effective. -- Crypto is about a helluva lot more than just PGP and RSA...it's about building the I-beams and sheetrock that will allow robust structures to be built, it's about the railroad lines and power lines that will connect the structures, and it's about creating Galt's Gulch in cyberspace, where it belongs.--Tim May