On Monday, September 17, 2001, at 01:09 PM, Blanc wrote:
Tim said:
:And when the militarized smallpox from Biopreparat hits....
Aside from taking out their noserings, is there anything that anyone would be able to do about it? To save themselves, I mean.
Y2K has arrived, it's just a little late. Did everyone save their supplies and noserings and have their survival procedures ready? Not that they would be all that effective, anyway.
I had _my_ supplies in place, not surprisingly. A few words on possible threats. Anthrax is a minor issue, except in big cities or other soft targets. (It could kill tens of thousands, but probably only in the aerosol wake.) My real fear, so far unrealized, is a smallpox or influenza attack. Smallpox killed 300 million in the 1900s (hard to believe, but this is what experts are saying) and the flu in 1918 killed many millions just in the U.S. (including some of my relatives). (The 1917-18 worldwide outbreak was believed to have been spread worldwide by returning troops from WW I. Note that the disease vectors of today are far more efficient.) If I hear the slightest hint of an outbreak of any virulent disease, anywhere, I'll head out to the nearest supermarket, buy $300 worth of groceries, and then hunker down to ride it out. As always, this is not a _prediction_, this is a statement about my personal approach to insurance and preparedness. --Tim May