On Saturday 19 April 2003 10:02, Harmon Seaver wrote:
Agreed, except for smoking in public. All smoking in public should be banned. No one has the right to pollute the air I have to breath, in any way. I shouldn't have to breath in or even smell someones else's drug as I walk down the street.
Public property was paid for by looting private individuals' pockets or appropriating it directly. The concept of regulating public activities is pure socialist bullshit. Ordinances prohibiting or regulating any activity on private property is part of our creeping nanny state totalitarianism. Any individual who enforces, or any politician who votes for a law that uses force to regulate behavior is guilty of initiating force against anyone affected by the law, and is a deserving target of retaliation. Any individual who votes for one of these political scumbags or urges them to enact such a law is also a deserving target of retaliation. David Neilson