Constituents of the 17th District of Texas:

E-mail is a wonderful tool for enhancing communication and I appreciate your contacting me in this manner.  However, in order to deal with the overwhelming number of e-mail messages sent from across the country, it has been necessary for me to change the way I receive e-mail.  Please go into my web site at and follow the instructions for sending me a message.  This will take you to a "Write Your Representative" screen and will require you to enter your name and address.  You then will be at a screen where you can send me your message.

I regret this bit of inconvenience but the extra amount of effort will result in my being able to respond to constituents of the 17th District in a more timely manner.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.  With kind regards, I remain

                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                Charles W. Stenholm