and again when you are at a good weight and having regular cycles you can absolutely add in a lot more whole wheat and whole grain foods as well as all fruits and vegetables and other good carbs like beans if your cycles get a little kooky or you gain weight thats when you know you need to reduce again
let me preface this by saying that there is no one size fits all eating plan for someone with hormonal issues for some women cysts irregular cycles lack of ovulation and too much testosterone and its effects are directly related to bad insulin regulation in their body for these women they may be able to restore better regularity with avoiding blood sugar spikes by not eating carbohydrates therefore eliminating the insulin problem that is why so many women can conceive with metformin or glucophage because these medicines work at that level
she is my best babysitter for cate she takes turns with me putting cate to bed and being her pillow
let me explain Buoy
and i think im done cutting kits for a while
i know some people dont love the whole valentines thing but it is so fun to me i dont care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty treated with sweetness have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book
and the dishes she cleans for me i dont even have to rinse before putting things in the dishwasher anymore and how warm she keeps my toesies while im sitting at the desk working on the computer who needs slippers it seems her only desire in life is to be close to us and all she asks for is an occasional pet and some food and water truly my lowest maintenance friend
i was born in orange county where my parents had lived in the same house for like 20 years they had both lived in so cal all their lives
confession i miss saved by the bell
i will i will i will please hold me accountable if you dont see the results posted next week the inspiration pieces
he is the perfect mix to me of blues and folk and funk and feeling
Quilt kits finally all done
but i couldnt stop looking at the picture because it shows the place where i played for the first 12 years of my life
cate (incredulously) what were you a child of adam and eve
from toast
it makes me too happy drawers full of yarn too glorious
cause that would make me happy