You prefer "Students who don't repay their school loans need killing"? Geiger held back because govt loans are statist bullshit. (And because he hasn't upgraded his HDD encryption to rijndael. Yet. Ninja, now's your window....) .bw PS what's with "CDR:" without a space??? I'll have to retrain my procmail. Some of the list admins - hint WHGiii - better update their scripts. On Friday, 20 Oct 2000 at 23:35, Mac Norton wrote:
Uh, let's see now, the "student" gets the below response on a list where just a few hours ago we were considering killing judges?
Yeah, you fuckers are bad. MacN
On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, William H. Geiger III wrote:
On 10/20/00 at 02:29 PM, "Tito Singh" <> said:
Any suggested parameters or "recipes" for ducking under the govt's radar regarding school loan collection....
Why don't you just pay your bills or did all they teach you in school is to be a bum.