James B. DiGriz wrote:
Luthor Blisset wrote:
At 12:08 PM 10/13/01 -0400, somebody with the password to jbdigriz@dragonsweb.org wrote:
You're last paragraph's supposition is interesting, but the whole RIAA thing looks more like an rtmark action, maybe. Which would be funded from within the ranks of Disney-Sony-AOL/TimeWarner-IG-Coca-Farben et al. Not DOD/CIA.
You want to some see devious shit, check out rtmark. This is the cointelpro arm of the bait-and-switch artists who give us RATM and the Matrix on the one hand, and DMCA et al. on the other.
Exactly how, pray tell, do you figure that rtmark (and i presume you mean the rtmark.com people) has any relationship to Disney-Sony-AOL/TimeWarner-IG-Coca-Farben-et-al other then one of near-violent opposition?
Last time I checked, rtmark made some of the most clever anti-corporate propaganda I've ever seen. I'm extremely skeptical of any claims that they are part of what they seem to so diligently oppose.
-- Luthor //Remembering is copying and copying is THEFT
I'm digging around for the copy of the "Deconstructing Beck" spam that I archived somewhere, which clearly lists a Geffen publicist encouraging, and I quote, "ripping off" the aforesaid artist, whose ROI was apparently slipping at the time. '97, I think.
Maybe that was a hoax, too, but that's the kind of thing that can get you hoist by your own petard.
Ok, I can't find it right now, but there are copies of a slightly different press release you can find with Google. Including the one at http://www.gatt.org/deconstructingbeck.html This one lists the publicist at the bottom only, with a disavowal of connection (yeah, right), whereas the email I got listed him in a letterhead area at the top. The whole thing was obviously bought and paid for by Geffen as a promotion. "Nobody is listening to Beck [no shit] so let's con the rubes into thinking they're "liberating" his work and helping to crush the evuuul corporations. At $5 a copy, of course. How pissed off Geffen, Beck, assorted lawyers are, etc." They are a marketing firm, not activists. http://www.gatt.org/pressdb.html lists all the media outlets advertising was placed in. It's a different world since DMCA, though. Happy Fun Oligarchy, blissfully, self-righeously forgetful of having started the whole damned thing, would no longer be amused at such dangerous and suggestive thoughts. Laxity, laxity, laxity! Time to cool some jets. Would somebody as cheerfully amoral as rtmark perpetrate a helpful hoax to discredit the opposition? You tell me. jbdigriz ps. I think you'll find that gatt.org does not actually belong to the actual WTO, either. That I know of, that is.