So is this Uncle Sam's way of getting good workers for no pay? You could expect the same kinds of skills to bring in several hundred dollars per hour in the .mil consulting sphere... Huh... So working from January to April/May to pay one's tax burden isn't enough service to the republic anymore? (where tax burden = billions wasted on the Iraq/Afghanistani wars, overthrowing elections in Argentina, causing riots in Haiti and Africa, etc.) Now they're resorting to what pretty much amounts to slavery? How soon before .gov just absorbs Exxon, IBM, Sun, HP, Haliburton, Bechtel and all of interest directly? How soon before .gov comes out of the fascism closet already and announces itself for what it really is? Bah! I may as well learn to flip burgers and ask if fries will be part of the order today... being a sysadmin isn't getting me employed anymore anyway. :( R. A. Hettinga wrote:
'Special skills draft' on drawing board Computer experts, foreign language specialists lead list of military's needs Eric Rosenberg, Hearst Newspapers Saturday, March 13, 2004 )2004 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback | FAQ
URL: sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/03/13/MNG905K1BC1.DTL
Washington -- The government is taking the first steps toward a targeted military draft of Americans with special skills in computers and foreign languages.