Tim wrote:
* Let the builders pay _all_ costs for a structure; taxpayers should not "bail out" either the insurance industry or the builders (or the airlines, on a different note)
Of course, that should go without saying. Having said that, though, they will be built.
* I think the notion of a "symbol" is silly.
Reasonable minds may differ.
* Using any coerced funding (taxes, bailouts, subsidies) to rebuld a gaudy and dangerous bauble, one that employees don't even feel comfortable working in, is not rational.
Who has suggested otherwise?
In any case, let the insurers and builders do it if they want.
Now you've got it.
Antheaps are for ants.
Ants do not build cloud piercing towers of adamantine steel and glass, the mind of man does. YMMV. S a n d y