Oct, 18 2001 20:11 2001-10-18
BILL WHITE: GUN GROUPS SEE STEADY BLEED INTO MILITIAS; DOMESTIC UNREST STILL GROWING IN UNITED STATES There are three issues that motivate America's militia movement - support of gun rights, opposition to taxation, and opposition to the United Nations and the loss of America's sovereignty to global corporate rule - a system the militias see as socialism and anti-globalists label capitalism, and which is really a blend of the worst elements of the two.
Amazing that a Russian publication (is it really Russian, or just reprinted by them?) gets this so right. Nearly all American journalists just babble about skinheads and survivalists when they talk about the militia movement.
Back when LaRouche was being a leftist, it was obvious that the Evil Rockefeller {Commie/Capitalist} Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy must be running the world, because everybody from wacko lefties to rightwingers like the Birchers and the more extreme rightwing wackos said so.
The Real Activists
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a rather shady group of lawyers who make profit by suing organizations they label as "hateful",
Wow. It takes a Russian to call a spade a spade. The SPLC is the most anti-liberty organization in the U.S. Words fail me in describing them.
The SPLC may have its problems, but it looks a lot like Pravda's problem with them is that they're Jews.
Agreed. Too bad Bush is pushing the New World Order agenda, though I suppose it was thrust upon him by events. Al Gore certainly would have been even more internationalist.
Bush Sr. was the guy who got us into the whole New World Order biz; to see his son, elected because of his father's clout (ok, and the lack of any credible Republican opposition) and surrounded by his father's cronies, do anything else would have been highly surprising.
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They may be Commies, but they want their own intellectual property enforced :-)