-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At 4:30 AM +0000 4/1/04, Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote:
Yes, we do. And some of our dreams are of invading the homes of rich Amerikan assholes to fund the jihad.
"rich Amerika assholes" falls rather nicely in the Marxist concordance profile. Make sure you're not wearing your black-block clothes when you go to defend your comrades in Occupied Iraq, hmmm? I hear it's a little, warm, over there these days. And you'd stick out a bit. As for invading American homes to fund your proletarian struggle, er, jihad, please do, and remember to bring all your toys. I figure after a few smoking suburban McMansions, our auto-legislators ("the judicial branch" for you philosophy majors) will decide to bring back the second amendment as an individual right. I mean, Uncle Fed can't be everywhere at once in a geodesic war, anyway. Of course, Neo-Jacksonian America can be a bitch these days. See the collected works of the esteemed Mr. Keith for details. As for Our Boys Over There, a few more roasted mercs and, like scalps of yore, proper accessories for the fashionable new land-owner in the Sunni Triangle will be a nicely-preserved piece of facial cartilage, dangled on a belt, or possibly woven into a bracelet. Nothing so crass as a digit, you understand, but enough to get the point across.
Want to know something fun? Using simple tools like this link
we can locate all the fascist supporters in Amerika, with address
and phone number, and enjoy their womenfolk and riches.
Yup. Please do. Go for it. Can't wait. I would consider it evolution in action. Most of these people are the same fools who think that "transparency" and "campaign finance reform" is a *good* thing. The sooner we get back to anonymous cash donations the better. Our politicians prefer whole sacks of the stuff, if you haven't noticed. Maybe they'll stay bought if there's a little more skullduggery involved in the transaction. Shared secret, and all that. Financial identity has no place in politics, or anywhere else, for that matter. In the meantime, I expect if we start auctioning off whole chunks of underutilized real-estate in various parts of the world and enforcing primary and secondary markets for same, all kinds of cool stuff will happen. I mean, if one gets tired of homesteading the fertile crescent, one can always sell whole subdivisions back to the original inhabitants, after the usual capital improvements have been made: paved streets, concrete curbs, running water, working sewers, electricity, bandwidth, vermin extermination. So, comrade, glad to know you're learning the proper tools. Just make sure you've used more than three hops on that remailer chain of yours, and that you've used Mixmaster remailers to do it with. The lack of latency in your message suggests otherwise, and, as Mr. Hussein and Mullah Omar have observed, blowback these days can be, um, problematic. :-). Cheers, RAH -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.0.3 iQA/AwUBQGwn98PxH8jf3ohaEQL36wCg/RjdoKXi5MU5gsXMPRQbtRZI1KoAniIH g+kVuLqLtUPaXRqdN6bp8LVB =alXy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah@shipwright.com> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "Several times a week, to enter a TV studio say, or to board a plane, I have to produce a tiny picture of my face." -- Christopher Hitchens