Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net> writes:
It still isn't censorship. Censorship, at least in my dictionary, refers to censor, which uses the word "Official" several times. Mr. Gilmore is not an "Official" in a government sense, he maybe in the EFF sense, but this is not an "Official" EFF organ, so that doesn't count.
We *are* talking about the cypherpunks list, yes? Then, in terms of the list, John Gilmore *is* the official, hence a censor, plying his skills.
I suspect that some of the people saying this have a serious drug/alcohol problem and are very adept at denying tthat they have one. Denial is a transferrable skill.
Why all the denial and repeated (redundant) blathering about John's *right* to something he allegedly owns? Simple. The folks who put this stuff out want desperately to believe that this list they spend so much time on is "really OK", and not a censored medium. Denial is the key.
Kind of reminds you of "1984", doesn't it? War is peace. Love is hate. Timmy May (fart) is a crypto expert. John Gilmore is neither official nor a censor. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps