On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 08:27:57AM -0600, Dan White <dwhite@olp.net> wrote a message of 28 lines which said:
Their A records on Sunday were:
(No longer working.) Several people are keeping track of working IP addresses and avertise them in the DNS (wikileaks.something.example). Other have full mirrors. A current list: http://etherpad.mozilla.org:9000/wikileaks copy it, so you can access the DNS mirrors even if mozilla.org is taken down... <operational>It's a very interesting exercice in resiliency.</operational> ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org ______________________________________________________________ ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org 8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A 7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE