Does anyone have any idea what this guy is on about?. Regards, NMIR wrote: dave --- ABQ J 9/24/98 Iran May Withdraw Writer's Death Threat LONDON - Author Salman Rushdie met with British Foreign Office officials Wednesday amid reports Iran is preparing to withdraw the threat on his life. The late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini pronounced a "fatwa," death sentence, against Rushdie in 1989 after the publication of his book "Satanic Verses," which many Muslims deemed blasphemous. Islamic militants then put a $2 million bounty on Rushdie's head, forcing the author to live largely in under British police protection. --- I THINK that I heard tonight and saw Rushie's picture on TV that the above was called off. Progress. I am reading again your stuff at Let's all hope for release of the requested documents and SETTLEMENT. bill
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