On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 06:03:46PM +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
<snip "I should be free to smoke"> Actually I agree - you should be free to smoke all you want to; however, given that a) the rest of us don't want to share your smoke b) you don't want to share the smoke you are paying for *with* us the real problem is the inefficiencies of your drug equipment - you really should have some system so you get 100% of the smoke you paid for (rather than less than 30% as now)
Yes, like a vaporizer people use for smoking pot. Almost zero secondhand smoke, only what is breathed out. And, if operated properly, doesn't really create smoke in the first place. Much more efficient, much healthier as well, you don't get all the tars and crap. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com