----- Original Message ----- From: Teja Yalgi To: VaniJayanthi ; CSN ; Deepta ; BV Ramakrishna ; yatinder_n@dev.vsofti.stph.net ; gopi@dev.vsofti.stph.net ; srraju@dev.vsofti.stph.net Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:16 PM Subject: FW:Read this...
This is Jitendra Vaidya today I was visiting the official website of the government of the USA with a good intention of wishing them a happy independence day. While reading the profile of the president Bush, I could read that He has a cat & he has named it INDIA.
Visit this URL to see this http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/
This is disgusting He must have done it on purpose,
No he did it accidently.
because nobody names their dogs or cats in the name of any country even by remote chance.
Don't be so sure. I know several people who have named their dogs after locations. Wasn't "Indiana Jones" revealed as the name of the dog, by Sean Connery's character, in "The Last Crusade"?
specially wanted to point it out to show that this does show what George Bush actually thinks of India
What you really want to know is if he kicks the dog. steve