Few points, in the wake of current ZKS-sold-out-no-we-did-not discussions. First, do we all agree who the adversary is when ZKSs customer encrypts traffic ? Is that the neighbor, the employer, the insurance company, ISP, Microsoft, her husband, or the government ? All entities on this list except one can be effectively neutralized with single-DES and free Anonymizer.com access. The government is the only one that can do decent multi-network tracing and break some ciphers. One needs ZKS because one wants to get protection from the government. Many crypto startups try to live in denial about this basic fact, and attempt to bank on fears from "hackers", wifes and similar. That is all bullshit. We need good crypto and good anonymity because we do not want governments to listen on us. Wives, bosses and ISP droids can be taken care of with freeware that can be easily found. Government has to know what goes around, very much like living organisms need immune system to detect undesired entities and then kill them. In order to kill, one must detect first. And that is why governments will never allow effective (1) crypto, that is except suicidal governments. The first use of effective crypto will be to replace government-based money with private currencies and so reduce the cost of doing business by removing the tax part. Governments exist because a) they can see the money, b) they can force you to use it and c) they can take it away ("tax"). What do you think the reaction of armed thugs will be when they find out that they will not be able to do a, b c ? They will call the CEO of crypto provider for a friendly chat. Crypto+anonymity is AIDS for the government. It disables the immune system and will eventually kill the creature. Thinking that the creature will tolerate virus generators within its own corporate establishment is just plain silly, Canada or not. Now, Zanzibar is a different story - look it up. (1) by "effective" I assume the one that achieves the goal - hard AND widespread AND anonymous. PGP may be "hard" crypto, but it is used by irrelevant percentage of population.