On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Tim May wrote:
There are, officially, no proposals on the table to limit speech within the U.S. by limiting the types and forms of language may use. There is the SAFE bill, which stands zero chance of passing, but this involves relaxing export requirements (though I expect compromises added, such as the felonization of crypto use in a crime, are an unwelcome step toward domestic restrictions).
Every version of SAFE includes crypto-in-a-crime as a key component. The thinking of its drafters and backers like Reps. Goodlatte, Eschoo, Lofgren, CDT, and some corporate lobbyists is that it would be too politically controversial to pass Congress without it. There is, offically, a proposal on the table to limit speech within the U.S. by restricting sale, manufacture, distribution, import of non-GAK'd crypto. A House committee approved that one year ago. -Declan PS: Note to DC cypherpunks. There's a meet/party 9-19 in Adams Morgan.