Adam Langley <agl@linuxpower.org> writes:
Is this really a bad thing? Music is becomming a public service. When author cannot control their works (as is happening now) the works basically become a public service - and the way public services are funded is by govt taxes.= If they stop trying (and failing) to control content and just use this - well it's not perfect - but it's better than a DMCA/UCITA world.
it is naive to think that this tax is going to stop them from pursuing their UCITA/DMCA led efforts to completely control the works they distribute in order to destroy "fair use" and reap as much money as possible from consumers. This tax is just icing on the cake for them, a welcome revenue stream. -- Craig Brozefsky <craig@red-bean.com> "Revolution begins by giving things and social relationships their real names". -- L. Trotsky