What puzzles me is that he included two cyphers that are _extremely_ easy to break, the vignere cypher and the ascii cypher. Why include these? And what is his new permutation of RC4 and DES?
Concur. Also, let's see: only available for Win95/NT, no sources available, and cyphers that are known to be weak - and that can be used without any warnings whatsoever - anyone else watching their Snake-Oil-O-Meter get pegged? The plus side of the Vigenere and ASCII ciphers is that they are fast. For example, on a friend's machine, I can get 1.7mb/s using ASCII while NewDES,
Give us some source code, port it to XWindows, and then maybe we'll talk. I'm working on installing Linux on my machine and will be working on an X
the fastest "secure" algorithm, runs at a only 600k/s. Documentation of each algorithm with an explanation of its security is provided in the help file. As for snake-oil, this is a genuine product. I am trying to compete with Puffer 2.0, which costs like $25-$30; $5 is certainly less than that. As soon as I get the money to buy the needed compiler, I'll make a port to the Mac, and a port to Windows 3.1 should surface in a few days. port. I'll keep you posted. BTW, I personally really enjoy using VGP and have encrypted all of my source code and other archived things like that. Mark Rosen FireSoft - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/2690 Mark Eats AOL - http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/6660/