Greetings from SUBMITKING, the leader in automated URL submissions! We found your website using our high-technology, specially designed, "web crawling" software. Unfortunately, most people don't have access to this type of technology. But we can help! As you're aware, most people find websites using any number of popular (and sometimes not so popular) search engines and other marketing resources (like "Site of the Day" (Week, Month, etc.)). But who has the hours and hours to spend searching the Web to find these resources and THEN submit the information to each one? We did it for you! SUBMITKING has taken thousands of man hours to research the top resources people use to find what they need on the Internet. With even more hours we have written special software for each individual resource so that with the information from one form you fill out we can register YOUR site with each of these resources as well as you could do it yourself...if you had 20 or so hours on your hands. Sure, we charge for this service. It's $19.95 for submission to all 200 resources. Which works out to less than a dime each. If you COULD do each site in just 5 minutes (paying yourself .10 each) you'd do 12 an hour (thus earning a whopping $1.20 per hour). Probably 50 or 100 visitors to your site is all it would take to see a huge return on your investment. It's a logical thing to do when you consider all the benefits you stand to gain from being listed in 200 places. That being said we can say no more. We simply invite you to visit the site at http://www.submitking.com and Thank-you for your time. Kind regards, SUBMITKING