At 11:36 AM 9/6/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
At 10:46 AM -0400 9/6/00, David Honig wrote:
Those brits really need a 1st amendment... (and the _SUN_ needs to buy a clue about physical security) ..good hype for Random House though..
Firstly, there is nothing in the article suggesting that the "Sun" is acting under orders from the British government. In fact, the quotes imply otherwise.
Sure. Its not censorship (yet). But what kind of environment suffers a publisher who won't publish? Information is leaked, at some risk, so that it can be broadcast. Sure, this is a private action, but when someone gives you a treasure you don't hide from it. You don't ask the queen how far to bend over. Maybe I'm spoiled on cryptome. Maybe I'm a boorish 'Merikan Bill-of-Rights-fetishist who doesn't sympathize with Germans burning CDs, France threatening Yahoo, the UK rubber hosing passwords. Who finds the SUN's begging for a leash abhorrent. So sue me.