"Raymond D. Mereniuk" wrote:
I don't see where only a terrorist group backed by the resources of a national government could pull this off. A week or two for planning and a group of people who can keep their mouth's shut plus the most important quality, big gonads and a desire to die for a perceived purpose.
So right -- all these people talking about "it had to be a big, well funded, well organized group with lots of resources" are talking total nonsense. It could have been a tiny cadre of eight or twelve people with no more money than to buy some plane tickets. Flying a plane doesn't take a heck of lot either, once it's in the air. It's not even that hard taking off -- landing is the bitch.
My guess would be that the final analysis will show these terrorists were more lucky then skilful. They were lucky to get past airport security, or airport security was that bad
What would be so hard about getting past security if they used plastic knives -- those zytel daggers sold all over the place would be pretty damn effective. I would imagine that they wouldn't have just threatened with them anyway, they would have just used them and killed the crew quickly. A plastic knife would be all they needed, and no metal detector would spot that. -- Harmon Seaver, MLIS CyberShamanix Work 920-203-9633 hseaver@cybershamanix.com Home 920-233-5820 hseaver@ameritech.net http://www.cybershamanix.com/resume.html