...."quite possibly" ...FBI "Black Ops Blow-Em-Up" teams? Uh-uhm. If had to guess, I would bet that explosives take a lot of paperwork. Bombs are not efficient investigative tools for law enforcement. They blow up the evidence and the criminal. It's hard to run surveillance on a blown-up target. That would be LEA "disintermediation." They also make a lot of noise.
You would find it illuminating
I hope not, considering the context.
to acquaint yourself with the Judy Barri case. The FBI was conducting actual pipe-bomb making classes for the local police, including setting them off in a nearby quarry. This was just prior to the bombing of Judy's car. Interesting too that they were on the scene within minutes of the explosion, to arrest Judy and Darryl for bombing themselves. There's a current suit in fed court about it -- look it up. The guy who was head of COINTELPRO was involved in this.
ok ~Aimee