Hi, I have been looking at how to impliment picketing on the web. To date I have been unable to come up with a way to force a connection to one machine to go through a third machine in order to express some view about the original target. This idea came to me while watching some folks picket a local grocer over something I couldn't make out (the signs were poorly done). It occured to me that since one could argue that the links between sites are public avenues a site could 'picket' another site. The question became at this point, how? So far I have been unable to figure a way out. Any ideas you might care to share with us all? _______________________________________________________________________ | | | No people do so much harm as those who go about doing good. | | | | Mandell Creighton | | | | Jim Choate ravage@ssz.com | | The Armadillo Group www.ssz.com | | Austin, Texas, USA 512-451-7087 | |_______________________________________________________________________|