======================================================= This message was generated automatically by a computer. There is no need to reply unless there is a problem. ======================================================= We have set a new password for the Science subscription "cpunks", since someone supplying this user name indicated that the user name and/or password had been forgotten. This request came from: at: Fri Sep 22 11:42:14 PDT 2000 If you did not request this change, please let us know by replying to this message. NOTE that we are unable to change your password back to what it was before this change was made. ............................................. The following information is for your records: User Name: cpunks NEW Password: 858548 (Your password is case-sensitive. Please type it in _exactly_ as it appears above.) AAAS Number: 09178163 If you wish to change this randomly-generated password to something you can more easily remember, go to: http://www.sciencemag.org/sub/usermaint/changepwd If at any time you have questions, please click the "Subscriptions" button on most pages or go to "Subscriptions: Help & Services for Online Subscribers" at http://www.sciencemag.org/subscriptions/accessinfo.dtl Thank you, SCIENCE Online science-feedback@forsythe.stanford.edu ............................................. http://www.sciencemag.org/ .............................................