Outlawing computers is perfect for outlaws, though the public at large may be buffaloed into consuming whatever is pushed in its direction for safety and security in lieu of outlawed freedom to choose. And gray and black markets will supply those public members who get fed up with crowd-control tools of limited interaction. Indeed, an anti-patriot might welcome oppressive operating systems and chips as a boon to increasing the number of people who won't accept being told how to interact with their computers. If MS and buddies are successful in getting a clamp on what you can do with mass-marketed computers then the colored market for alternatives will rocket. To be sure the illegal boxes will have to be kept out of sight, and here the moonshiners have a wealth of information to share, along with arms merchants, drug kingpins, money launderers, rogue nations, guerillas, rebels, anti-royalists, just about anybody who is not part of the momentarily ruling crowd of thieves. And don't overlook the insiders ever eager to cut a deal against their vile bosses, to pass along tips on what is being hidden in the MS/gov-approved boxes, how to get around it, what will beat it, and so on, in the glorious anarcho tradition, cooking up new ways of doing business off the grid, mostly by offering better products than those of available at the endless-patch mall. Salespeople overeager to capitalize on an short-term market with shoddy products are rainmakers for makers of dependable tools. Gates is nothing but a salesperson to his best customers, the TLA national security hustlers. Sure, you'll have to cut-tongue an anarcho rat become a salesperson now and then, but that's why box cutting scimitars are blessed by the Beezlebub. Metaphorically speaking.